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What's Your Real Soul Purpose?
In a world of constant demands, expectations, and varying belief systems, it’s easy to lose track of what really matters…or who you really a
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Unlocking Happiness: The Surprising Power of Practicing Acceptance
Discover how embracing acceptance can transform your life, even in the face of the 'unacceptable'.
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5 Spiritual Practices to Attract Wealth and Abundance
Embrace a little bit of magic and unlock the universal abundance that's waiting for you.. Have you ever wondered how you can invite more...
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How will you focus more on the Positive today?
People who experience high emotional intensity often discount pleasurable life events. They take little notice of positive emotions like...
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Which feelings do you want to 'surf' with?
Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.
How to Practice Self Healing..
It's easy to practice energy healing on yourself every day - and it's a fabulous way to tune in to your inner wisdom and higher self
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Creating Healing Energy Balls..
Did you know you can easily create your very own balls of amazing healing energy, to give yourself a quick boost, anywhere and at anytime?
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How to Use Oracle Cards..
If you want guidance on an area of your life and what's going on energetically & cosmically for you, then Oracle Cards can be great for you
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Lessons in Grief and Love..
Missing our beautiful loved ones who have recently transitioned and aren’t with us on this Earth anymore doesn’t seem to get any less.
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Don't cook dinner tonight.. and see what happens..
So I know how crazy your days can get with everything going on in your life - constant demands on your time, all these emails dropping...
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